New FULL AUTO AEK 973 Build is BROKEN in BLACK OPS 6! (Best AEK 973 Class Meta Loadout BO6 Season 2)
New FULL AUTO AEK 973 Build is BROKEN in BLACK OPS 6! (Best AEK 973 Class Meta Loadout BO6 Season 2) More Hero (WZ/Store Bundles/Misc) CHANNEL: / @morehero Hero No Commentary Channel: / @heronocommentary HeroShorts Channel: / @heroonyoutube Kick: www.kick.com/themarkofahero In this video of Call of Duty Black Ops 6 or BO6, I decided to use the BO6 aek 973 or aek 973 BO6. The Black Ops 6 aek 973 is so great that I had to build the best aek 973 class bo6. The aek 973 Black Ops 6 is incredible with the best aek 973 loadout bo6 that I built. I really recommend this bo6 best aek 973 loadout and bo6 best aek 973 class so you can succeed in Call of Duty! This is the best marksman rifle bo6. In this video I also show the best aek 973 build bo6 and the bo6 best aek 973 build! This is the new BO6 Season 2 Meta! I love you all! PARTNERED with GFUEL (use code BALLER) https://sldr.page.link/nBLy previous NEW FASTEST WAY TO LEVEL UP + LEVEL UP WEAPONS FAST BLACK OPS 6 NEW UPDATE! 🤯 (BO6 FAST XP METHOD) • *NEW* FASTEST WAY TO LEVEL UP + LEVEL... New SEASON 2 PP 919 Build DELETES ALL in BLACK OPS 6! 😻 (BO6 Best PP 919 Class Setup Meta Loadout) • New SEASON 2 PP 919 Build DELETES ALL... new DAMASCUS SMG Build is godly in bo6 season 2 💀 (BO6 Best C9 Class Setup Meta Loadout Black Ops 6) • new DAMASCUS SMG Build is godly in bo... top meta smg build is ridiculous in bo6 season 2 💥 (BO6 Best KSV Class Setup Loadout Black Ops 6) • top meta smg build is ridiculous in b... fastest ttk no recoil ar build is amazing in bo6 season 2! 🎯 (BO6 Best Model L Class Meta Loadout) • fastest ttk no recoil ar build is ama... NEW #1 GOATED SMG BUILD is AWESOME in BO6 SEASON 2! (Best Tanto 22 Class Meta Loadout Black ops 6) • *NEW* #1 GOATED SMG BUILD is AWESOME ... New ICE SAUG BUILD is PHENOMENAL in BO6 SEASON 2! 🧊 (Best Saug Class Setup Meta Loadout) • New ICE SAUG BUILD is PHENOMENAL in B... New SEASON 2 AK BUILD is DEMONIC in BLACK OPS 6! 😈 (BO6 Best AK74 Class Setup Meta Loadout) • New SEASON 2 AK BUILD is DEMONIC in B... New VENOM JACKAL PDW Build is CRAZY in BO6 SEASON 2 🤯 (Best Jackal PDW Class Setup Meta Loadout) • New VENOM JACKAL PDW Build is CRAZY i... NEW #1 FENG 82 BUILD is a 2 SHOT in BLACK OPS 6 SEASON 2! 💀 (BO6 Best Feng 82 Class Meta Loadout) • *NEW* #1 FENG 82 BUILD is a 2 SHOT in... NEW AR META 🎯 #1 "CYPHER 091" BUILD in BO6 SEASON 2 UPDATE! (BO6 Best Cypher Class Meta Loadout) • NEW AR META 🎯 #1 "CYPHER 091" BUILD i... NEW GOD SMG 👑 #1 "PPSH 41" BUILD in BO6 SEASON 2 UPDATE! (BO6 Best PPSH Class Setup Meta Loadout) • NEW GOD SMG 👑 #1 "PPSH 41" BUILD in B... TOP 10 META LOADOUTS in BLACK OPS 6 SEASON 2! 🏆 (BO6 Best Class Setups) - BO6 Best Guns • TOP 10 *META* LOADOUTS in BLACK OPS 6... NEW TOP 5 UPDATED Pro Meta Best Ranked Play Classes BO6 Season 2 😍 CDL Best Class Setups Loadouts • NEW TOP 5 *UPDATED* Pro Meta Best Ran... 🚨 ALERT 🚨 CHANGE NEW SETTINGS NOW in BO6 Season 2 Update 🎮 (BO6 Best Settings PS4 PS5 Xbox PC Aim) • 🚨 ALERT 🚨 CHANGE NEW SETTINGS NOW in ... SEASON 2 #1 "XM4" BUILD is PRO META AFTER UPDATE BLACK OPS 6 😍 (BO6 Best XM4 Class Setup Loadout) • SEASON 2 #1 "XM4" BUILD is *PRO META*... NEW #1 C9 BUILD is SEASON 2 META AFTER UPDATE! 🏆 (BO6 Best C9 Class Setup Meta Loadout) • *NEW* #1 C9 BUILD is SEASON 2 META AF... "BOOST YOUR SMG BUILD TTK NOW AFTER UPDATE!" 💥 (BO6 Best Kompakt 92 Class Setup Meta Loadout) • "BOOST YOUR SMG BUILD TTK NOW AFTER U... NEW SECRET "AS VAL" BUILD BREAKS BLACK OPS 6 UPDATE! 🚨 (BO6 Best AS VAL Class Setup Meta Loadout) • NEW SECRET "AS VAL" BUILD BREAKS BLAC... NUKED OUT UNLOCKED in BLACK OPS 6! ☢ (BO6 Dark Ops Calling Card Challenge) • NUKED OUT UNLOCKED in BLACK OPS 6! ☢ ... NEW FASTEST TTK KRIG C BUILD is GOD TIER AFTER UPDATE 😍 (BO6 Best Krig C Class Setup Meta Loadout) • *NEW* FASTEST TTK KRIG C BUILD is GOD... BECOME A MEMBER OF MY CHANNEL(shout outs at end of vids if 10 people "JOIN") / @themarkofaheroog 🔥 Follow Me Everywhere! 🔥 Twitch: / themarkofahero Twitter: / themarkofahero Instagram: / themarkofahero Use Code "Hero" 🎯 GET BETTER AIM AT KontrolFreek: https://www.kontrolfreek.com/ 🎯 Call of Duty Hero or Hero Call of Duty. COD Hero or Hero COD. The true Warzone Hero Warzone. SUB TO MY 2nd CHANNEL: / @heroplaysyoutube 👪 My TEAM 👪 KARNAGE CLAN: / karnageclan PSNs and stuff: TheMarkOfAHero, HeroTheHunter HeroOnYouTube Warzone Hero Warzone Format (the one who made my Logo and Banner!) / formatdesigns / @themindofformat #bo6 #season2 #aek973 bo6,black ops 6,hero,markofahero,bo6 aek 973,aek 973 bo6,aek 973,aek 973 loadout,aek 973 build,best aek 973 class,best aek 973 loadout,best aek 973 build,aek 973 class bo6,aek 973 loadout bo6,bo6 best aek 973 class,best aek 973 class bo6,aek 973 bo6 build,best aek 973 loadout bo6,best aek 973 build bo6,bo6 aek 973 loadout,bo6 aek 973 build,bo6 aek 973 class,aek 973 build bo6,bo6 meta,bo6 update,bo6 full auto mod,full auto mod bo6,bo6 season 2,mod