치아교정으로 얼굴 비대칭 교정이 가능할까?  비대칭 원인에  따른 교정법 [퍼스널 스마일 디자이너]

치아교정으로 얼굴 비대칭 교정이 가능할까? 비대칭 원인에 따른 교정법 [퍼스널 스마일 디자이너]

요즘 교정으로 비대칭을 개선하기 위해 병원을 찾아오시는 환자분들이 많더라구요 그래서 오늘은 비대칭이 교정으로 어느 정도 개선이 가능한지, 어느 정도의 변화까지 기대할 수 있는지에 대해 알려드릴게요! - 인스타그램: 온라인 상담 신청: go-net co kr 병원 위치: 서울 강남구 강남대로 468, 4층 (강남 교보문고 맞은편) _ 이 영상에 학문적 베이스가 된 논문입니다 Octavio Cintra et al, Digital platform for planning facial asymmetry orthodontic-surgical treatment preparation Dental Press J Orthod vol 23 no 3 Maringá May/June 2018 Effect of occlusal plane correction on lip cant in two-jaw orthognathic surgery – A three-dimensional analysis Mutilated Pseudo-Class III Malocclusion with Anterior Crossbite, Knife-Edge Ridges and Periodontal Compromise: Alignment, Sinus Lift, Bone Graft, and Implant-Supported Crowns Digital analysis of facial landmarks in determining facial midline among Punjabi population Sung-JinKim et al Diagnosis and evaluation of skeletal Class III patients with facial asymmetry for orthognathic surgery using three-dimensional computed tomography Seminars in Orthodontics, Volume 21, Issue 4, December 2015, Pages 274-282 Layperson's perception of axial midline angulation in asymmetric faces Goedele van Belle et al Fixation patterns during recognition of personally familiar and unfamiliar faces Front Psychol , 17 June 2010 Muhammad Sajid et al The Impact of Asymmetric Left and Asymmetric Right Face Images on Accurate Age Estimation Annukka Kim Lindell Continuities in Emotion Lateralization in Human and Non-Human Primates Front Hum Neurosci , 08 August 2013 Layperson's perception of axial midline angulation in asymmetric faces Perceptions of Dentists and Non-Professionals on Some Dental Factors Affecting Smile Aesthetics: A Study from Vietnam Int J Environ Res Public Health 2020, 17(5) B Kaya et al The impact of occlusal plane cant along with gingival display on smile attractiveness Smile esthetics from odontology students' perspectives