Bleeding Nipple : How dangerous is this? Causes and when to see a doctor?-Dr. Nanda Rajaneesh

Bleeding Nipple : How dangerous is this? Causes and when to see a doctor?-Dr. Nanda Rajaneesh

Dr. Nanda Rajaneesh | Appointment booking number: 8971755794 Consultant Onco Surgeon and Laparoscopic Surgeon|Apollo Spectra Hospitals, Bengaluru Bleeding in the Nipple cannot be neglected at all. Anyone having blood in the nipple, you have to meet the doctor so yes, there are some being conditions and we have to be prepared for the worst forts and be prepared for the bests. So once we do is every patient who has this symptom we know that this is because of canner but there are certain benign conditions also called as Nipple Papilloma of Ducts,. They are common reasons for Bleeding Nipple. So do we operate of this duct papillomas? Yes we do because this duct papillomas can also become malignant later. So when there is Bleeding Nipple, please visits the doctor because there is a possibility of malignancy. #BleedingNipple #cancer