moody green lightroom mobile preset | Lightroom mobile preset | FREE DNG | Nature Preset

moody green lightroom mobile preset | Lightroom mobile preset | FREE DNG | Nature Preset

In this video, I will show you how to Edit moody green Tone using Lightroom mobile. ---------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE READ THIS❗ 🔹If you're a new viewer on this channel, please read the following explanation. 🔹Three ways to get the filter / Preset: • You can follow the editing steps on the video ( Edit manually ). • You can download the Preset which is available in DNG format ( Android & iOS ), but you need a password to access the Preset download page; follow the rules below to find out information about how to get the password. • You can save your time by sending me an email to purchase this Preset. 📧[email protected] ----------------------------------------------------------------- 🔹How to get the password: • The password will appear in the upper right corner as a card ( i ) • Don't download or watch this video offline because the card feature on YouTube applies when video are played online • The password will appear at any time , don't skip the video otherwise you will miss the password • The password consists of 4 - digit numbers and will appear two times in a video For example: [1] Password:12** [2] Password: **34 When you have found both passwords, combine the numbers in the passwords like 1234 is the password ----------------------------------------------------------------- 🔹How to download preset • Click on the Download link • Enter that 4 Digits Password • Download DNG File from Google Drive • Share/Export the Dng File to Lightroom App 🔹Sometimes presets does not work on every photos, so try to edit some settings manually to get better results on your photos ----------------------------------------------------------------- 📌PRESET DOWNLOAD LINK 🔹Pictures: • Unsplash • Pexels • Pinterest 🔹Note: All the pictures shown in the video, belong to their respective Owners. No infringement intended. All the pictures are for illustration purposes only. Credits to the rightful owner. --------------------------------------------------------- MY QUERIES , Mystic Blue Presets, Travel Presets, Presets, Blue Photo Filters, Moody Instagram Presets Photo Filter Winter &, City Street Urban Photography filters, snow presets, holiday presets Lightroom Presets Night Photography ,Sunset Layer vintage lightroom presets 2025, Street Style Lightroom preset BLUE JEANS PRESETS Natural Presets for Wedding, Engagement Photography, Wedding Presets, blue tone lightroom preset' photography lightroom presets CINEMATIC GREENS Lightroom Mobile and Desktop Presets, vacation lightroom presets Outdoor Travel Landscape Portrait Filter Instagram Blogger Presets, Minimal Blogger Presets, Blue Orange Teal Preset, Mobile & Desktop Ocean Lightroom Presets Presets Moody Preset Influencer Presets Insta Warm Moody Tone Photo Editing cinematic blue lightroom presets Festive Holiday Presets, Influencer Photo Filter Instagram Lightroom Preset - Black Tone Moody Dark Orange grey tone lightroom preset moody blue preset Moody, Dark, Brown, Coffee Filter for Instagram Photography dark blue tone lightroom presets warm tone presets for lightroom adventure preset lightroom dark & moody lightroom presets free travel lightroom presets lightroom presets iphone filter photography lightroom presets cinematic preset lightroom mobile moody lightroom presets free download lightroom presets portrait winter presets lightroom mobile Urban Cinematic Preset cinematic lightroom presets Dark Filter nature presets lightroom mobile moody lightroom presets film tone lightroom presets Moody presets Aesthetic Dark Lightroom Presets Black Lightroom Presets Blogger Preset, DNG Presetslightroom presets moody presets lightroom free Black Tone Lightroom Presets Mobile & Desktop moody preset lightroom preset lightroom moody street lightroom presets Urban Preset Instagram Filter lightroom moody preset lightroom editing presets free download how to edit Cinematic preset urban lightroom editing lightroom presets free download Moody Filter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #MoodyGreenPreset #LightroomMobilePreset #MoodyVibes #GreenTones #PhotoEditing #PresetForLightroom #MobileEditing #NatureLoversPreset #DarkAndMoody #LightroomEdit #AestheticPreset #CreativeEditing #GreenPhotography #LightroomLovers #MobilePresetMoody#photooftheday #naturephotography #cold #landscape #ski #instagram #picoftheday #style #autumn #beautiful #skiing #december #art #fall #summer #winterfashion #sunset #photo #explore #pariharediting If you liked the video Please Do Subscribe My Channel Thanks for watching.