I can't stop eating these biscuits! CHEESE BISCUITS Crunchy on the outside, soft on the inside

I can't stop eating these biscuits! CHEESE BISCUITS Crunchy on the outside, soft on the inside

masih bingung mencari resep membuat kue castangel yang tepat! cobala resep ini di jamin pasti akan menjadi 100% ANTI GAGAL! Hello everyone, this time I made everyone's favorite food, this snack is a must have at every celebration because it tastes crunchy and tasty. Please enable subtitles on videos to your language subtitles. biskut castangel : 200g margarin 250g tepung protein rendah 25g tepung maizena ( pati jagung ) 25g susu bubuk 1 kuning telur 2 sdm gula halus 130g keju parut olesan : 1 kuning telur 1/2 sdm minyak masak pewana makanan castangel biscuits: 200g margarine 250g low protein flour 25g cornstarch (corn starch) 25g powdered milk 1 egg yolk 2 tbsp powdered sugar 130g of grated cheese spread: 1 egg yolk 1/2 tbsp cooking oil food coloring #kuetradisional #anekakuekering #anekakuelebaran #anekakue #foodie #food #anekacemilan #resepkastengel