Archdiocese of Bombay - Christmas Eve Service 2022 | December 24 | Live

Archdiocese of Bombay - Christmas Eve Service 2022 | December 24 | Live

Christmas is a celebration of the omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent God who, over the centuries, was a mystery, but now reveals Himself to us completely through the incarnation. Christmas is proof of God’s greatness seen in His humility: the Creator allows Himself to be created in a human womb; the all-powerful one makes Himself a vulnerable human babe; God, all majestic, is born in utter poverty! He entered into human history to bring us the light. Join in the Christmas Eve Service, celebrated by His Eminence, Oswald Cardinal Gracias, Archbishop of Bombay - live streamed from the Holy Name School Ground, Colaba. The Archdiocese of Bombay wishes everyone a Christ-filled Christmas! ---- For any feedback or questions, drop an email at [email protected]. ---- Subscribe to this channel for alerts and notifications on Daily Masses, Para-liturgical Services, Online Catechesis and other videos. Official Website: Follow the official pages of the Archdiocese of Bombay: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: