[Piano ★★★]  태극기 휘날리며 OST (MR) / TaeGukGi : Brotherhood of War

[Piano ★★★] 태극기 휘날리며 OST (MR) / TaeGukGi : Brotherhood of War

0:00 Intro 0:12 Sample Music 06:44 Practice 13:17 Ensemble ♫ Title : Memory (TaeGukGi:Brotherhood of War OST) ♫ Composed by Dong-joon, Lee ♫ Arranged and Played by Mr-Piano Ⅰ Sample 00:12 → 음악을 들으며 악보를 확인해 보세요 (Listen to the Music & Check the Sheet Music) Ⅱ Practice 06:44 → 박자에 맞춰 연습해보세요 (Practice the piano to the Beat) Ⅲ Ensemble 13:17 → 피아노 협주를 해보세요~^^ (Play the Piano with MR) - 이 오케스트라 MR은 Mr-Piano가 직접 제작한 음원입니다 - This Orchestra MR is made by Mr-Piano Enjoy Music with my MR :) - 따라서 복제 및 재업로드를 삼가 바랍니다 - Therefore, please refrain from copying and re-uploading MR과 함께 즐거운 연주 바라며 이 영상이 유익하다면 구독과 좋아요 부탁드립니다 - If this Video was Helpful to YOU, Please don't forget to click that red Subscribe Button and give me a Thumbs up * Mr-Piano Channel * * 이 MR의 원본 연주영상 / Original Video * * 피아노 악보 / Piano Sheet Music (KOR) (ENG) #오케스트라 #MR #악보 #Sheet Music