Jesus is the way (worship flow) | Elevation Worship, Hillsong, Aodhán King

Jesus is the way (worship flow) | Elevation Worship, Hillsong, Aodhán King

Psalm 42:7 Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls; all your waves and breakers have swept over me. By day the Lord directs his love, at night his song is with me - a prayer to the God of my life. The deepest cry of the heart is one that calls out for God - only in the depths of his goodness and grace will our souls be truly satisfied. It is a miracle that we get to walk in this way, because of what Jesus did for us on the cross. Let us always cling tight to that. These past 2 weeks I have been so blessed to read your comments, knowing that you've been able to worship with me and be blessed by these truths. Never would I have expected it to reach so many people but I am honored that we're able to worship together even through YouTube. To God be the glory! Please feel free to comment your song requests and subscribe for weekly worship flows! Especially my Filipino friends I'm looking to try some Pinoy worship songs :)) 0:00 Worthy (Elevation Worship) 5:42 Worthy is the Lamb (Hillsong) 7:10 Highs and lows (Hillsong Young and Free) 12:10 Thank you so much Jesus (Aodhán King) 16:45 What a miracle (Elevation Worship) 22:15 One Way (Hillsong) 26:00 Worship flow ---- My Original Music: Spotify: To Connect: IG:   / gabsimmy   #worship #worshipflow #hillsong #elevationworship #hillsongyoungandfree #gospel #worshipsongs ‪@AodhanKing‬