God of War Ragnarok Part 8: Kratos and Atreus vs Garm

God of War Ragnarok Part 8: Kratos and Atreus vs Garm

As Kratos goes to rest alone, he dreams of his wife Faye and suddenly he sees her holding baby Atreus and listens to her talking to him while rowing a canoe to their house. As both Faye and baby Atreus disappear, Kratos awakens angry and punches the wall to help control his emotions. Meanwhile in Asgard, Atreus is doing the exact thing before being summoned by Odin to find another piece of the mask. As Atreus goes to speak with Odin, he notices Odin arguing with Thor. Atreus also asked Odin if he killed Ymir in his study and Odin agrees to that statement and explains his reasoning for it and the rift. Atreus then tells Odin that he believes the next piece of the mask is in Helheim. Odin then sends Thrúd with him and Heimdall. As they arrive in Helheim, Heimdall immediately leaves for an important task Odin gave him. Atreus and Thrúd follow the mask until they come across a giant wolf in chains. They free it and then continue following the mask's trail until it stops. They also notice that the wolf has created tears and Heimdall scolds them both. Thrúd gets angry at Heimdall and tries to fight him but is humiliated instead. When they arrive back Odin talks to Atreus about setting Garm, the giant wolf free which is causing rifts throughout all the realms except Asgard. Atreus then tells him he wants to go home and Odin lets him after he gives him back the mask and the sword Ingrid. Odin does tell Atreus he is welcome to return when he is ready, Huginn will be waiting in his home. Atreus returns to Midgard and then travels to Sindri's house and sees that Hel-walkers are attacking everyone. Atreus tries to help Freya close the tears but gets attacked. Luckily, Kratos saves him and after they defeated them all, Atreus drops his bow and hugs Kratos and explains that he set Garm free not knowing the consequences. The others are shocked but Kratos promises to fix Atreus's mistake with him. Mimir stays behind because he does not want to visit Helheim. As they get to Helheim, Kratos and Atreus catch up and talk things out. Eventually they find Garm and fight him and realize that they cannot kill him until Atreus realizes that Fenrir's soul is in his knife. By working together, Kratos helps Atreus stab Garm and transfer Fenrir's soul into Garm's body. When they find the wolf afterwards, they see that Fenrir has become the giant wolf and has the ability to create tears to travel and he goes home to Midgard. Before they return home, Kratos and Atreus have a heart-to-heart talk and make a promise to listen to each others' voices when they are feeling down and return to Sindri's house. Atreus apologizes to everyone for leaving and they forgive him including Sindri. Atreus also shows them a drawling of the mask and everyone except Freya knew about it. Freya decides to return to Vanaheim to help her brother and his resistance. Kratos tells Atreus they will join her later. During this stream I also completed a few side quests such as speaking to the eagle of Helheim Hraevelgr to learn about six realm tears to close. I also went to Muspelheim to complete the first six challenges. I believe I will continue to complete side quests and go around the other realms to upgrade Kratos's statistics.