Emoji Meanings, 2D vs 3D Emojis, Part 44 - Religion Emojis | Noto & Fluent Emojis | Learning English

Emoji Meanings, 2D vs 3D Emojis, Part 44 - Religion Emojis | Noto & Fluent Emojis | Learning English

This video includes the meanings of the 2D and 3D version of the following Emojis: ⚛ Atom Symbol 🔯 Dotted Six-Pointed Star ✝ Latin Cross 🕎 Menorah 🕉 Om ☦ Orthodox Cross ☮ Peace Symbol 🛐 Place of Worship ☪ Star and Crescent ✡ Star of David ☸ Wheel of Dharma ☯ Yin Yang Information adapted from: GitHub, Microsoft, "Fluent Emoji": https://github.com/microsoft/fluentui.... Fluent Emoji's website accessed on 23/March/2024. Fluent Emoji Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. Fluent Emoji's License: MIT License, https://github.com/microsoft/fluentui.... Google, Noto Color Emoji: https://fonts.google.com/noto/specime.... Google, Noto Color Emoji's website accessed on 16/September/2024. Most of Noto Color Emoji images are under the Apache license, version 2.0, https://github.com/googlefonts/noto-e.... Background Music: Jungle - Aakash Gandhi Related Topics: Learning 3D Emojis Learning Fluent Emojis Microsfot Fluent Emojis English Vocabulary with 3D Emojis Learning English with Emojis Google Noto Color Emoji 2D and 3D Emojis Comparison #emoji #emojis #emojimeanings #emojimeaning #signs #3demojis #fluentemoji #fluentemojis ~~~ ⚠️ Warning Please be aware that the information presented in this section and video may be outdated by the time you are accessing it. This video may content inaccuracies. We highly advice you to do your own research. Jecasa Ltd does not accept any liability for inaccurate or erroneous information. See our Terms of Use provided in the video.