Insane Recitation of Surah Al-Haqqah by Osman Mashal Alhadad!

Insane Recitation of Surah Al-Haqqah by Osman Mashal Alhadad!

Visit the channel ( Quraanic Voice) to see more videos with excellent quality ( 4k ) and enjoy the voice of Reciters 🎙️Othman Meshaal Al-Hadad, a small and melodious reciter from Kuwait and one of the students of Sheikh Ahmad Al-Nafis, the voice of this small reciter is really enjoyable. @Othman Mashal Alhadad 📖 Al-Ḥāqqah (Arabic: الحاقة) is the 69th chapter (sūrah) of the Qur'an with 52 verses (āyāt). There are several English names under which the surah is known. These include “The Inevitable Hour”, “The Indubitable”, “The Inevitable Truth”, and “The Reality”. These titles are derived from alternate translations of al-Ḥāqqa, the word that appears in the first three ayat of the sura, each alluding to the main theme of the sura – the Day of Judgment. Al-Ḥāqqah is a Meccan sura, meaning it was revealed to Muhammad while he lived in Mecca rather than in Medina. Meccan suras divided into early, middle, and late periods. Theodor Nöldeke, in his chronology of suras, places the sura to be revealed in the early Meccan period. The Surah tells about the destiny of Thamud, ʿĀd, Pharaoh, other toppled towns, the flood that came in the hour of Noah. It discusses the prize of the steadfast and the punishment of the disbelievers. In conclusion, it says that this message is not the verse of a poet or something made up by Muhammad himself, it is the revelation of the Lord of the universes. Osman mashal Alhadad عثمان مشعل الحداد قران الكريم سورة الحاقة   / quraanicvoice   #Quran_for_all #4kquran #quran #quranrecitation #quraanicvoice #Quran_my_favourite @ahmad Al Nufais quran tilawat beautiful voice surah yasin Quran kareem القرآن الكريم surah al baqarah quran recitation