6 Things You Should Never Do to Your Shih Tzu Dog( #6 will surprise you ).

6 Things You Should Never Do to Your Shih Tzu Dog( #6 will surprise you ).

#shihtzu #shihtzudog ✅✅Develop your dog's hidden intelligence to eliminate bad behavior and get a smarter dog.✅✅ https://bit.ly/3I1S3o 6 Things you must not Do to your Shih Tzu Dog You might not realize how some of the things you do to your Shih Tzu can influence them if you're new to being a pet owner or even if you've had your Shih Tzu for a long. Even with the best intentions, we all make mistakes as pet owners from time to time. However, we aim to provide the finest possible home and life for our Shih Tzus. In this video, we bring to you 5 Things You Must Never Do to Your Shih Tzu Dog. NOTE; The Shih Tzu is a sturdy little dog with a small muzzle and normally has large dark brown eyes. The Chinese have described their head shapes as "owl head" and "lion head", and their mouth as "frog mouth".[4] They have a soft and long double coat that will tangle and mat easily if not brushed at least every 2 or 3 days. A Shih Tzu should stand no more than 26.7 cm (10½") at the withers and with an ideal weight of 4.0 to 7.5 kg (9 to 17 lb). 🐱🐶Subscribe to the channel if you’re interested in getting useful tips and guides on your cats and dogs that will make you become a better pet owner.🐶🐱    / @pawhub1448   KEYWORDS IGNORE; things you must never do to your shih tzu dog shih tzu shih tzu puppies shih tzu dog shitzu shih tzu training shih tzu puppy how to potty train a shih tzu shi tzu how to train a shih tzu puppy shih tzu potty training shihtzu shih tzu day in the life training a shih tzu puppies shih poo shih tzu dog puppies puppy shih tzu shit tzu brown shih tzu shih tzu full grown shih tzu walking shih tzu growing up shih tzu routines shih tzu playing Lights by Sappheiros |   / sappheirosmusic   Music promoted on https://www.chosic.com/free-music/all/ Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/... #shihtzu #shihtzudog #Shihtzutamil #Dogshihtzupuppy #Shihtzudogprice #dogshihtzu #Dogbarkingshihtzu