#vegetable name hindi aur english me #rhymes#education#viral#short#video#trending

#vegetable name hindi aur english me #rhymes#education#viral#short#video#trending

#vegetable name hindi aur english me #rhymes#education#viral#short#video#trending #adarsh vidya acadamy #viral #short Vegetable Names / Learning vegetables with image/ Types of Vegetables / English rhyme for children adarsh Vidya Acadamy vegetables name,vegetables name in english,vegetable names,vegetable name,vegetables names,vegetables names with pictures,vegetables name with spelling,vegetables names in english,learn vegetable names,names of vegetables,vegetables,vegetable names with pictures,vegetables name in hindi,vegetable names in english,names of vegetables in english,vegetables name with pictures,vegetables names vegetables names,vegetables name list in english by adarsh Vidya Academy This video is about english vegetables name and it includes 40+ Vegetables name with pictures and words. This helps viewers to improve english vocabulary. we added vegetables cartoon to engage kids in learning , Also we added real heathy vegetables for better understanding of each vegetable. It includes Basic vegetables like potato , tomato , onion , brinjal , carrot , beetroot etc and other veggies like pigeon pes , hyacinth , celery , zucchini etc.. #adarsh vidya acadamy #mr gopal sir