Polar Night | English Short Film by Rakesh Asileti | Patruni Sastry | Sonakshi Verma |
The film is an Artistic display of the current time of "Quarantine" and the quest to see the light behind. The story revolves around a guy who is placed in a geographical location where the city witnessed one of the rarest geographical phenomenon called "Polar Night'' and how his relationships with people in his life get affected. Polar Night is a phenomenon where the Sun never rises and the Night reigns supreme for longer than usual. Writer & Director Rakesh Asileti / exploremime Actor Patruni Sastry / sas3dancingfeet Actress Sonakshi Verma / sonakshivermaa Presented by Face of Artz / faceofartz #PolarNight #PatruniSastry#Faceofartz #SonakshiVerma #Quarantine ABOUT FACE OF ARTZ(FOA): Face Of Artz is a Digital Platform for Upcoming & Budding Performing Artists in the fields of Music, Dance & Drama. We provide Promotion & Branding to transform an Aspiring Talent into an Accomplished Artist.