Day 16 | Reading The Holy Bible, Gospel of John, Chapter 16 (ESV) | #21DayReadAloudChallenge

Day 16 | Reading The Holy Bible, Gospel of John, Chapter 16 (ESV) | #21DayReadAloudChallenge

Welcome to the channel! 😊 Science says it takes 21 days to build a habit, so I'm starting this challenge. I chose the Book of John because it has 21 chapters, and I will read one chapter per day. πŸ“–βœ¨ This challenge is to help me start recording videos and improve my English at the same time. Let’s see my progress during these days! Thank you for joining me on this journey. See you! Love you! ❀️ ESV: #21DayReadAloudChallenge #readingtheholybible #gospelofjohn #chapter16 #holybible #bibleverse #biblestudy #biblemessage #gospel #jesuschrist #Jesus #spirituality #praise #devotional #blessed #quotes #truth #way #hope #peace #cross #gospel #bibleverse #scripture #Lord #JesusisKing #ChristianLife #God #HolySpirit #HolyGhost