The FASTEST Vanilla Crystal PvP Montage (ft. DrDonut, ItzRealMe)
My Discord Server: discord.gg/sakurafx My texture pack, mods (including custom totem particles and crystals), lessons, pvp help and more can be found in my discord server! I apologize for the long wait, many things went wrong: 1) my mouse broke and was not stocked anywhere. when i finally ordered one and waited weeks for it to arrive, they sent me the wrong one 2) intense hand and wrist issues preventing me from playing most days 3) internet issues resulting in the internet cutting off completely preventing me from finishing almost 0 fights 4) immense PC issues preventing me from editing and recording videos properly (this is also why the clips are in 30fps) A smaller thing is that when I play and get clips, I improve leading to the previous clips not feeling good enough anymore. This is a pretty continuous cycle until I manage to get enough clips in a short enough time. (all of the hole clips were from a 1-2 day period) *FAQ:* 30ping average no optimizers 800dpi 64% Would your tricks work in a real fight? Are they practical? While the majority of my flashy and entertaining tricks could work in a fight, it is not recommended. Many of my tricks displayed in my montages are for entertainment purposes, and while performed in real fights, are not practical and are very risky. Will you play survival? Are you good at drain? For those wondering if I am a 'prac main' or if my only skill is my speed or my 'quirky' gameplay, no. I am very experienced in vanilla survival, having played Minecraft for over 12 years. I enjoy spending lots of time building both decorative builds and complex machines, as well as exploring the games mechanics while playing TMC (technical Minecraft) I have practiced and studied more drain fights than 'normal' fights. I would consider myself very good at drain and would be considered by most if not all of my region to be the best drain fighter in AU. It is my main focus when teaching people and trying to improve. The short clips you see in my montage are some fun things I do when taking a break from everything else, I do not actively practice speed or my 'weird' strategies. Yes I failed HT3 once many months ago to reasons I will not discuss here. I will test again sometime in the future and get higher tiers. When will you upload next? When is your next montage? I do not currently follow a strict schedule, however I will try to post as frequently as I can. Are you still testing on the tier list? In short, no. For many reasons I have not tested in many months, although I do plan on returning to the tier list in the future. What are your settings? My settings will be added to the discord soon. (they may be there when you are seeing this!) Songs: Rispaa - you make me special.mp4 LOONA - Hi High (Sewerslvt Remix) Iwakura - Leave me