Exercise For Hypertension 6 Workouts For Blood Pressure Management
Workout To Lower Your Blood Pressure Permanently – 10 Minutes Per Day // Caroline Jordan // Join us on Patreon for more exclusive content to help you and your health: / carolinejordanfitness If you struggle with high blood pressure, you are not alone. As a certified fitness coach, people are always surprised to hear that I have to watch my blood pressure. Hypertension runs in my family and if I'm not careful my blood pressure creeps UP there. In fact, I can hear my 100-year-old grandmother (yes she's 100!) in my head all the time reminding me to “cut the salt honey. You can't have salt in your life with our family genes!” That’s one reason I choose to lead a healthy lifestyle and stay active. I can keep my blood pressure low without medication through exercise and diet. In this video, I want to show you a quick low-impact workout that can be used in the management of high blood pressure. Exercise lowers blood pressure by reducing blood vessel stiffness so blood can flow more easily. The effects of exercise are most noticeable during and immediately after a workout. One way to combat high blood pressure might be to break up your workout into several sessions throughout the day. In fact, one study found that three 10-minute walks a day more effectively prevented future blood pressure spikes than one 30-minute trek per day. But if you can't make it outdoors to get your steps in, this 10-minute low-impact home workout combines dynamic exercises that are safe to do multiple times throughout your day to keep your blood pressure in a good place. In this routine, we have 10 different exercises performed for one minute sequenced back to back. Once we start there are no programmed breaks, but of course, listen to your body and modify as needed to meet yourself where you are today. The goal is just to get moving to feel better together for 10 minutes total. Daily exercise not only helps control high blood pressure but it also helps manage your weight, strengthen your heart, and reduce stress. Trust me nothing feels better than taking control and seeing your health improve. So join me and keep your blood pressure in check the natural way. Use this workout 2-3 times per day for at least a week. Make sure to monitor your blood pressure numbers and share what positive health effects you experience below in the comments. When it comes to taking care of yourself and improving your health I want you to remember: you can do anything you set your mind to. Are you ready? YOU CAN DO THIS! Let's get moving! Positive Feel Good Fitness, -Caroline Jordan 👇SUBSCRIBE TO CAROLINE’S YOUTUBE CHANNEL NOW👇 https://bit.ly/3zIHqnS Join this channel to get access to the perks: https://bit.ly/3E25xAm SHOP MERCH HERE: 🛍️ https://bit.ly/carolinejordanmerch ✨✨✨ CONNECT WITH CAROLINE ON SOCIAL MEDIA ✨✨✨ Caroline Jordan Blog: https://carolinejordanfitness.com/blog/ Facebook: / carolinejordanfitness Instagram: / carolinejordanfitness Twitter: / carolinefitness Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ph/carolinejord... Linkedin: / carolinejordanfitness 💪TRAINING AND PROGRAMS 💻 ▶︎ HURT FOOT FITNESS EXCLUSIVE COACHING PROGRAM: https://www.hurtfootfitness.com ▶︎ WORKOUT VIDEO LIBRARY: https://www.hurtfootfitness.com/worko... ▶︎ HURT FOOT DIET GUIDE: https://www.hurtfootfitness.com/heali... ▶︎ STRONG BODY PROGRAM: https://www.hurtfootfitness.com/stron... ▶︎ DIABETES WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM: https://hurtfootfitness.com/diabetes-... ▶︎ SCIATIC NERVE PAIN RELIEF PROGRAM: https://get-pain-relief-now.teachable... #CarolineJordan #lowerbloodsugar Related Searches: is the blood pressure lower after exercise do exercise to lower blood pressure is exercising good for high blood pressure #Please Like & Subscribe to My Channel-http://bitly.ws/djoj