Who the hell am I?   From Stressed to Van life.  #burnout #speaker #shorts #breathwork

Who the hell am I? From Stressed to Van life. #burnout #speaker #shorts #breathwork

When you're doing something that is not aligned to Who you are those external circumstances and situations will cause you internal feelings of stress. In this second clip from a recent talk I gave entitled: "How to transform your stress in life through your Breath of life.” I shared my journey going from feeling unfulfilled, stuck and stressed…….. to motivated, energised and excited about life once more. We all know someone who is sitting stale in this mind space so reach out to them as they need to know there is a way out, there is a solution, there are others who have discovered a new path and can guide them too. ——————— From Burn-Out to Break-Though.  I help Business Owners and Leaders live by Design and not Default.  https://professionalpointer.com/home tim2professionalpointer.com #InternationalSpeaker #Breathwork #TransformationalCoach #LiveByDesign #PreventBurnout