The Church: Maturing the Body | June 9, 2024 (Message)
In a culture that lives so isolated, it is hard to become a mature follower of Jesus. Our very culture doesn’t naturally allow this. We have so many acquaintances and so few deep friends of faith. The tragedy is that many people dont even know that there relationships are not deep. Jesus didn’t intend for us to walk the path towards maturity alone. In fact, scripture would teach that maturing in Christ - is almost impossible without other believers. We need relationships - that reveal our short-comings and still walk with us to maturity. Let’s explore this together in today’s message. Scriptures: Matthew 28:18-20, Matthew 4:18-22, Ephesians 4:15, 1 John 1:7, Hebrews 5:12, 2 Timothy 4:2 For more information about Anchor Point Church, check out www.youranchorpoint.com. Anchor Point Church Messages are also available on Apple Podcasts & Spotify.