30 Day Water Fast - Day 5
I will embark upon a 30 day water fast and document my progress and some health metrics along the way! I will log and track weight, blood sugar, blood pressure, and get a dexa scan before and after to see how my body composition changed in addition to doing a final blood panel at the Doctors. This VLOG will be a daily upload for the next month to share my journey and experience with you and to hopefully empower and inspire you to elicit change in your lives for the better and to proof you can do more than you think you can! Disclaimer: I am not a Doctor or medical Personal and recommend you don't take any of my advice without consulting with YOUR doctor first and discussing your specific health. This VLOG series is more or less to document my personal journey and to show people what can be done. All data is tracked on this google sheet for you to view: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/... Thumbnail photo courtesy of: Michael Oeser #waterfast #waterfasting #30daywaterfast #fasting