Memorial of St. Bernard | 8/20/2020 8:00 am | Fr. Charles Ramirez asst. by Dcn Bob
Welcome to OLA Claremont! *Important announcement: This coming Monday, 8/24, there will be NO PUBLIC MASS at 8am. There will also be no drive thru communion. The Mass will be live-streamed from inside the church. We are doing this to accommodate OLA’s first day of school when we have our OLA school parents and students coming to pick up their books and supplies for the school year. Thank you for your understanding. ~~~~~~~~ Drive thru communion will be dispensed after today’s Mass from 9:00-9:15am. Please enter the church parking lot via the Harrison gate, drive toward the church and after receiving communion, please exit through the Bonita gate. Permission to stream the music in this recording obtained from One License with license #A-727935 and CCLI License #11594597 and License #20156612