The Mandalorian | Season 3 Episode 5 Review & Recap "Chapter 21: The Pirate" | Disney+
The Mandalorian | Season 3 Episode 5 Review & Recap "Chapter 21: The Pirate" by Big Gold Belt Media - Episode Synopsis: S3:E5 Chapter 21: The Pirate The People of Nevarro need protection from rampant pirate attacks. Synopsis: The Mandalorian, Season 3 March 1 on Disney+. The journeys of the Mandalorian through the Star Wars galaxy continue. Once a lone bounty hunter, Din Djarin has reunited with Grogu. Meanwhile, the New Republic struggles to lead the galaxy away from its dark history. The Mandalorian will cross paths with old allies and make new enemies as he and Grogu continue their journey together. Tags #TheMandalorian #StarWars #Disney Thank you for watching our videos here at BGB Media! If you liked the video be sure to Like Comment and Share! Also be sure to click that Notification bell for all the latest channel updates! Be sure to check out Moviepalette.com Movie Palettes consist of stripes of colors carefully chosen by our team of artists. Every stripe represents a color of a particular scene in the movie. Use our discount code is: GOLD15 It will give a 15% discount from any product on their website. *Help us reach our NEW goal of 30k - SUBSCRIBE: https://bit.ly/2VGnDQz Be sure to visit us at our website - https://biggoldbelt.com for additional news and updates