주빌리스튜디오 워십 라이브 Clip [2시간 연속재생] #9

주빌리스튜디오 워십 라이브 Clip [2시간 연속재생] #9

주빌리스튜디오 워십 라이브 Clip [2시간 연속재생] #9 00:00:00 목마른 사슴_As The Deer(Words & Music by Martin Nystrom) 00:03:35 나의 만족과 유익을 위해_Knowing You(Words & Music by Graham Kendrick) 00:07:05 온전케 되리_Complete(Words & Music by Andrew Ulugia) 00:12:10 주 품에_Still(Words & Music by Reuben Morgan) 00:16:30 능력 위에 능력으로_He Is Able(Words & Music by Greg Ferguson & Rorl Noland) 00:20:57 사랑하는 나의 아버지_Blessed be The Lord God Almighty(Words & Music by Bob Fitts) 00:24:49 하나님 아버지의 마음_The Father’s Heart(Words & Music by 설경욱) 00:28:41 성령이 오셨네_The Holy Spirit is impeccable(Words & Music by 김도현) 00:32:44 성령의 비가 내리네_Let It Rain(Words & Music by Michael Farren) 00:36:28 주의 나라 오리라_Oceans Will Part(Words & Music by Ben Fielding) 00:40:31 사랑의 노래 드리네_Arms of love(Words & Music by Craig Musseau) 00:45:38 오늘 이곳에 계신 성령님_Oh, Holy Spirit teach us(Words & Music by 전은주, 박보람 & 전은주) 00:50:13 주 말씀 향하여_I will run to You(Words & Music by Dalene Zshcech) 00:55:36 주 광대하시네_Magnificent(Words & Music by Raymond Badham) 01:01:34 기름부으심_Anointment(Words & Music by 신상우) 01:07:08 메마른 뼈들에 생기를_Give life to dry bones(Words & Music by 고형원) 01:13:03 꽃들도_Flowers(Words & Music by MEBIG) 01:19:18 주님 마음 내게 주소서_Pour Your Heart Into My Heart(Words & Music by Ana Paula Valadao) 01:23:59 주 내 소망은 주 더 알기 원합니다_Changed by Your love(Words & Music by Scott Brenner) 01:29:58 사랑합니다 나의 예수님_I love you my Jesus(Words & Music by 박재윤 & 김성수) 01:34:27 왜 슬퍼하느냐_Why be sad(Words & Music by 최택헌) 01:38:04 보라 너희는 두려워 말고_Behold don't be afraid(Words & Music by 이연수) 01:43:04 주를 찬양_When Trials And Temptations Come(Words & Music by 최덕신) 01:48:18 내 손을 주께 높이 듭니다_I raise my hands to You(Words & Music by 박미래 & 이정승) 01:52:32 지존하신 주님 이름 앞에_Jesus at Your name(Words & Music by Chris A. Bowater) 01:56:47 믿음으로 서리라_I Will Stand by Faith(Words & Music by 정선경, 황귀희 & 이동휘, 송명아)