Complete Guide to My Sekai Beginner's Missions!

Complete Guide to My Sekai Beginner's Missions!

Here's your complete guide to the My Sekai missions in the Japanese server of Project Sekai! This is a brand new game within Project Sekai where you can create your own home, interact with characters, and play with friends. IMissed Combos Channel Memberships:    / @missedcomboswithlauraneuzeth   TIME STAMPS Intro: 0:00 Mission 1: 2:20 Mission 2: 3:25 Mission 3 WxS: 6:07 Mission 4 N25: 8:13 Mission 5 MMJ: 10:03 Mission 6 VBS: 13:39 Mission 7 L/N: 16:26 Mission 8: 18:23 Mission 9: 20:54 Mission 10: 21:16 Mission 11: 22:20 Mission: 12: 23:05 Mission 13: 23:50 Mission 14: 24:31 Mission 15: 25:06 Mission 16: 26:09 Mission 17: 26:51 Mission 18: 27:34 Mission 19: 28:36 Outro: 28:43 MY LINKS YouTube →    / neuzeth   TikTok→   / lauraneuzeth   Twitter→   / lauraneuzeth   Instagram→   / lauraneuzeth   Other Socials → Amazon Storefront → Disclaimer: I earn a small comission when you make a purchase on my storefront Spotify→ MUSIC Breezy Brew by lunnaBGM    / @lunnabgm   Copyright belongs to "Lunna☆Group" CONTACT Email→ [email protected] DM→   / lauraneuzeth   #projectsekai #projectsekaicolorfulstage #colorfulstage #hatsunemikucolorfulstage