Complete Guide to My Sekai Beginner's Missions!
Here's your complete guide to the My Sekai missions in the Japanese server of Project Sekai! This is a brand new game within Project Sekai where you can create your own home, interact with characters, and play with friends. IMissed Combos Channel Memberships: / @missedcomboswithlauraneuzeth TIME STAMPS Intro: 0:00 Mission 1: 2:20 Mission 2: 3:25 Mission 3 WxS: 6:07 Mission 4 N25: 8:13 Mission 5 MMJ: 10:03 Mission 6 VBS: 13:39 Mission 7 L/N: 16:26 Mission 8: 18:23 Mission 9: 20:54 Mission 10: 21:16 Mission 11: 22:20 Mission: 12: 23:05 Mission 13: 23:50 Mission 14: 24:31 Mission 15: 25:06 Mission 16: 26:09 Mission 17: 26:51 Mission 18: 27:34 Mission 19: 28:36 Outro: 28:43 MY LINKS YouTube → / neuzeth TikTok→ / lauraneuzeth Twitter→ / lauraneuzeth Instagram→ / lauraneuzeth Other Socials → https://beacons.ai/lauraneuzeth Amazon Storefront → https://www.amazon.com/shop/lauraneuzeth Disclaimer: I earn a small comission when you make a purchase on my storefront Spotify→ https://open.spotify.com/user/111642921 MUSIC Breezy Brew by lunnaBGM / @lunnabgm Copyright belongs to "Lunna☆Group" CONTACT Email→ [email protected] DM→ / lauraneuzeth #projectsekai #projectsekaicolorfulstage #colorfulstage #hatsunemikucolorfulstage