EXTREME BIGGEST BITES “Spicy Juicy Fried Chicken” 🍗🤯🔥
Mukbangers Biggest Bites! Hello! Thank you for stoping by! Btw I’m JOH and I love making mukbang asmr content. Asmr is a Big part of my life right now thats why I love making them. I spent lots of my time and effort making and editing every video. If you love my content please consider hitting the like and subscribe button. It really means a lot to me. Hope you guys support my short vids Thank you so much again and have a nice day. ;) Stay safe. Feel free to comment ur thoughts, suggestions and questions in the comment section below. :) Please do support every mukbangers in this vid. :) Credits: Kyokwang TV • BBQ황금올리브닭다리와 황금올리브양념닭다리 치킨 나쵸치즈소스듬뿍 먹... UDT TV • ASMR STRETCHY CHEESE SPICY TTEOK-BOKK... Bonggil • ASMR 모짜렐라 토핑 올린 까르보불닭볶음면과 자메이카 통다리구이 ... #Friedchickenbigbitesmukbang #Mukbangerseatingtoomuchchicken #Spicyjuicyfriedchickenvsmukbangers #Famousmukbanger #Bestmukbangers #Satisfyingbigbites #Asmrmukbang #Joh #Bubble