Rev Dr John Jose Vettiyankal - Healing, Deliverance, & Anointing Retreat - 10/25/2024 Logos Voice TV

Rev Dr John Jose Vettiyankal - Healing, Deliverance, & Anointing Retreat - 10/25/2024 Logos Voice TV

~ Divine Mercy Conference & Healing Workshop ~ ~ Led by Rev. Dr. John Jose Vettiyankal ~ Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Divine Mercy Chaplet, Holy Rosary, Benediction, Holy Mass, Benediction Catholic Holy Mass - Friday of the Twenty-ninth Week in Ordinary Time (Latin) Feast of Saint Boniface I October 25th, 2024 Rev. Dr. Fr. Jose Vettiyankal Director of Logos Retreat Centre Live Today Logos Retreat Centre and St. Joseph Church Babusahibpalaya 29 Prakruthi Township Babusahibapalaya Bengaluru - 560113. Karnataka. India A daily Healing, Deliverance, & Anointing Retreat through Holy Adoration led by Rev. Dr. Jose Vettiyankal, VC, Locl, M.A., M Phil., PhD. Fr. Jose is appointed as the official Exorcist of the Archdiocese of Bengaluru, India.