오레오 크레이프 롤케이크 만들기  Oreo Crepe Roll Cake Recipe | Cooking tree|Towel Layer Cake/Crepe Roll Cake|千层毛巾卷

오레오 크레이프 롤케이크 만들기 Oreo Crepe Roll Cake Recipe | Cooking tree|Towel Layer Cake/Crepe Roll Cake|千层毛巾卷

오레오 크레이프 롤케이크 만들기 Oreo Crepe Roll Cake Recipe | Cooking tree|Towel Layer Cake/Crepe Roll Cake|千层毛巾卷 "How can the towel roll be made well? Two key points: 1. The crust should be thin and soft. 2. The cream should be firm and well-shaped. The video will teach you techniques and tips."怎么样才能把毛巾卷做好呢? 2个要点: 1,饼皮要薄要软 2,奶油要硬要有型 视频里教会你技巧和窍门。 📢Please watch the video until the end so you don't miss the details. 📢Subtitles of all languages ​​are available in the video. Don't forget to activate the subtitles!! 📢If you like it, please click "LIKE" and "SHARE" this video, Don't forget to "SUBSCRIBE " to my channel for my new recipes and turn on the "RING" (🔔) for notifications. Thanks for your support! https://youtube.com/ @Hcooking Fluffy and Delicious Japanese street food! Easy homemade Souffle pancake    • Fluffy and Delicious Japanese street ...   Soft as clouds! Extremely easy and delicious!Never seen such fluffy bread made with condensed milk!    • Soft as clouds! Extremely easy and de...   Wool Roll Bread Recipe    • Wool Roll Bread Recipe|Pull Apart Bre...   Swiss Roll Cake    • Swiss Roll Cake|Very soft and creamy|...   Egg Waffle Hong Kong Style    • Egg Waffle Hong Kong Style 👌How to Ma...   How to make Pork Floss Bread Roll    • How to make Pork Floss Bread Roll |CH...   Fluffy Crunchy Chinese Pineapple Buns    • Fluffy Crunchy Chinese Pineapple Buns...   Traditional Chinese Mooncakes    • Traditional Chinese Mooncakes|Delicio...   Swiss Roll Cake    • Swiss Roll Cake|Very soft and creamy|...   Egg Waffle Hong Kong Style    • Egg Waffle Hong Kong Style 👌How to Ma...   Wool Roll Bread Recipe    • Wool Roll Bread Recipe|Pull Apart Bre...   Watermelon jelly milk crush    • Watermelon jelly milk crush|Less Swee...   Fluffy and Delicious Japanese street food    • Fluffy and Delicious Japanese street ...   Beautiful Coconut Bread | Easy & Delicious    • Beautiful Coconut Bread | Easy & Deli...   Why I didn't know this method before! Just found the EASIEST way to make croissants!    • Why I didn't know this method before!...   A mysterious zongzi opening is a surprise | Date zongzi    • A mysterious zongzi opening is a surp...   Take 5 minutes night to mix the ingredients, you can have fresh oatmeal bread the next day|Fat loss    • Take 5 minutes night to mix the ingre...   How to make snow mooncake    • Mooncake|Snow mooncake|Mooncake Recip...   NEVER buy bread anymore    • NEVER buy bread anymore| Milk Loaf Wh...   Turns out like a heart |Beautiful Coconut Bread    • Turns out like a heart |Beautiful Coc...   Easy homemade BUBBLE TEA|Done in three steps| BOBA    • Easy homemade BUBBLE TEA|Done in thre...   Taroball & Sweet Potato Balls    • Taroball & Sweet Potato Balls   Portuguese Egg Tarts    • Portuguese Egg Tarts   Leftover rice, 3 flavors ready in 5 minutes    • Leftover rice, 3 flavors ready in 5 m...   Love at first bite,Ready in 5 minute, with just 3 ingredients    • Love at first bite,Ready in 5 minute,...   Few people know this recip    • Few people know this recip|How to Mak...   Bread with it, is the secret to being super delicious!Super Soft and Fluffy Sausage Cheese Bread    • Super Soft and Fluffy Sausage Cheese ...   5-Minute Sushi using leftover rice | How to make Simple Sushi | step-by-step SUSHI recipe |    • 5-Minute Sushi using leftover rice | ...   Beautiful Coconut Bread | Easy & Delicious | Turns out like a flower    • Beautiful Coconut Bread | Easy & Deli...   Paris-Brest Puff / Choux Pastry    • 巴黎布雷斯特泡芙 Paris-Brest Puff / Choux Pastry   How to make 【golden eggs】, the healthiest breakfast    • 艾叶煮鸡蛋除了暖宫祛湿,还有这功效,可惜没人知道|How to make ...   Banana Bread | 3-minute easy recipe    • Banana Bread | 3-minute easy recipe  ...   Super fluffy cupcake    • Super fluffy cupcake [EASY recipe]|Be...   Cheesecake|A cake with four flavors    • Cheesecake|奶酪蛋糕|A cake with four flav...   Wow, it's incredible how easy to make delicious Burger Buns|anyone can do it successfully    • Brioche Burger Buns|Wow, it's incredi...   Easy breakfast solutions|So easy for beginner|Make just 4 steps    • Secret Tricks Bakers Are Hiding From ...   Steamed Bun with Milk|Steamed Rose Bun Easy Recipe    • Steamed Bun with Milk|Steamed Rose Bu...   Best Chiffon Cupcakes Recipe    • Super fluffy cupcake [EASY recipe]|Be...   Easy Banana Bread|MUFFIN|    • Banana Bread | 3-minute easy recipe  ...   Soft Milk Loaf|One Dough TwoFlavors|No mixer    • Soft Milk Loaf|One Dough TwoFlavors|N...   Japanese Milk Bread Loaf Recipe    • NEVER buy bread anymore| Milk Loaf Wh...