The Walking Dead: Michonne - Episode 3 - What We Deserve (Part 2/3)

The Walking Dead: Michonne - Episode 3 - What We Deserve (Part 2/3)

The Walking Dead: Michonne is an episodic mini-series for Telltale Games' The Walking Dead. It was announced by Telltale Games on June 15, 2015 at E3 2015. It consists of three episodes and was released as a stand-alone series on February 23, 2016. The Walking Dead: Michonne stars the iconic character from the comic book series haunted by her past and coping with unimaginable loss and regret. The story explores her untold journey during the time between issues #126 and #139. Through this Telltale Games mini-series of 3 episodes, players will discover what took Michonne away from Rick, Ezekiel, and the rest of her trusted group... and what brought her back. Robert Kirkman: Letter hacks Issue 155. Telltale's Michonne series occurs in the time gap before #127. Siddiq was already part of Pete's crew before Michonne joined it. Michonne later points him in the direction of Alexandria, Once he's done with the seafaring life, while she stays onboard until see we see her again in #139. If there is a muted part its because of copyright claims :( But dont worry you dont miss any story, it is just music. Edit: I should have done the trade - in case you want to see the perfect ending - let me know :) Full Playlist Michonne    • The Walking Dead: Michonne Full Playt...   My Channel    / @raiza1204   Playlist Season 1 -    • The Walking Dead (Season 1) Playtroug...   Playlist 400 Days -    • The Walking Dead (400 Days) Playtrough   Playlist Season 2 -    • The Walking Dead (Season 2) Playtroug...   Playlist Season 3 -    • The Walking Dead (Season 3) Playtroug...   Playlist Season 4 -    • The Walking Dead (Season 4) Playtroug...