리얼먹방:) 오리주물럭 쌈싸먹기★마무리는 볶음밥ㅣori jumulleok (Marinated Grilled Duck)ㅣREAL SOUNDㅣASMR MUKBANGㅣ

리얼먹방:) 오리주물럭 쌈싸먹기★마무리는 볶음밥ㅣori jumulleok (Marinated Grilled Duck)ㅣREAL SOUNDㅣASMR MUKBANGㅣ

※오리주물럭 구매처※ 500g×3팩 구매시 (총 1 5 kg 결제시) 500g 증정해드리는 이벤트중이래요😆 ★Today's menu is ori jumulleok (Marinated Grilled Duck)★ I really appreciate to my subscribers and viewers~ Cheer me up, and I’ll be glad if you watch every video on my channel If you like this video, please subscribe and leave your comments!! Please let me know if you want to see a certain food through comment!! ★Email★ hjh35550@gmail com ★Instagram★ 구독,좋아요,댓글은 저에게 큰 힘이 됩니다♡ ※해당 영상은 유료광고를 포함하고 있습니다 #오리주물럭 #쌈싸먹고 #볶음밥으로마무리 #왕눈이오리 #mukbang #eatingshow #asmr #realsound #hamzy #koreanfood #리얼사운드 #spicyfood