(OLD) THIRD VIDEO T REX Fruit is INSANE!! This SPAM Combo Is UNSTOPPABLE! 30M Bounty Hunting.

(OLD) THIRD VIDEO T REX Fruit is INSANE!! This SPAM Combo Is UNSTOPPABLE! 30M Bounty Hunting.

using the t-rex fruit on blox fruits to get bounty easily another transformation fruit that go brr. song credits as well as combo down below check em out: [ᴅᴀɴɪ.ʜᴢ] V - Slow Dancing (ver. lo-fi)    • [ᴅᴀɴɪ.ʜᴢ] V - Slow Dancing (ver. lo-fi)   rinov - Giorno's Theme / Il Vento D'oro (but it's lofi hiphop) | JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind    • Giorno's Theme / Il Vento D'oro (but ...   しゃろう Sharou - 10℃ -    • 10℃   Combo: Dragon Trident: X,Z. Sanguine Art: C, Z. T-Rex: X C V Z F #bloxfruits #bountyhunting #bloxfruitsbountyhunting #bloxfruitsbountyhuntingpvp #bloxfruitsgameplay #bloxfruitsupdate21 #trex #bloxfruitspvp #bloxfruitsgameplay #bloxfruitscombo