THEY KEEP GETTING BETER | One Piece Openings 1-23 REACTION Pt. 2
#onepiece In order to start this series and channel off right we are blindly reacting to ALL the current one piece openings from op 1-23 and let's just say these openings are FIRE. Some of these were recorded awhile ago and the last half was recorded recently after I made it to Water 7. Donate HERE:https://streamlabs.com/yikesreactions GET MEMBERSHIP NOW ► https://bit.ly/3oP8Odb Follow me on Patreon ► / yikesreactions Join the YIKES SQUAD HERE: / discord Follow me on Gaming Channel! ► https://tinyurl.com/yxcwgvtg Follow me on Twitter! ► / itsyanniyan Watch me on Twitch! ► / itsyanniyan Follow our Instagram! ► / itsyanniyan Join the YIKES SQUAD Discord! ► / discord