2 Steps I 50 Lakhs LOSS Recovery #stockmarket
My 2 secrets which can help you Recover losses from stock market I was at one time few years back in loss of 45 lakhs and it was almost impossibe to recover it , but i tried multiple Desi techniques ,which helped me in recovering + making 6-8 times more returns after coming to green . How to recover losses , how to take out profits each day . Why not to get emotional about Profits . Why to Safeguard capital Why most of the Traders lose the profit which they make in the morning . Its all because of not understanding the market structure and intraday trends , how support and resistance works . So control is most important in trading . #shorts #bankniftyoptions #trading #optionbuying #STLTradingQna #harshadmehta #rakeshjhunjhunwala #scam #bigbull #mistake #loss #myloss #optionbuying #intradaytrading #stockmarketforbeginners #shorts #Stockmarket #finshorts #supertraderlakshya #intradaytrader #1croreprofit #stockmarketindia #50lakhloss Video is only for Educational purpose