Far Cry 5 - The Father's Amazing Grace Trailer [E3 2017] l (PS4/XBOX ONE)

Far Cry 5 - The Father's Amazing Grace Trailer [E3 2017] l (PS4/XBOX ONE)

ABOUT THE GAME: Far Cry 5 is an upcoming first-person shooter action-adventure video game developed by Ubisoft Montreal and published by Ubisoft for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. It is the eleventh installment and the fifth main title in the Far Cry series. It is scheduled to be released on February 27, 2018. Similar to its predecessors, Far Cry 5 is an action-adventure first-person shooter set in an open world environment which players can explore freely on foot or through various vehicles. Unlike previous titles in the series where players take on the role of a set character, the game features a new character creator, which players can use to customize their character's appearances, gender and skin tone. Players have a variety of ranged and explosive weapons to fight against enemies, while the game will place a renewed emphasis on close-quarters combat compared to previous Far Cry titles by introducing a wider range of melee weapons. The game will also feature a recruitment system, in which players can recruit locals in the county to fight alongside them similar to the "Buddy" system used in Far Cry 2. In this "Guns for Hire" system, players need to convince other locals to join their cause, and every companion fighter has their own unique skills and personalities. Players can also tame wild animals through the "Fang for Hire" system, previously introduced in Far Cry Primal. The tamed wildlife will assist the player in combat and follow the players' orders. Different wildlife will have different combat patterns. A fishing mechanic will also be introduced. The campaign can be played individually or with a partner through the game's cooperative multiplayer mode. The game will also feature a map editor, whose features have been expanded from previous titles. The game is being developed by Ubisoft Montreal, with Ubisoft Toronto, Ubisoft Kiev, Ubisoft Shanghai, and Ubisoft Reflections offering assistance. Dan Hay, who was lead producer for Far Cry 3, was the lead director, with writing led by Drew Holmes, who had previously worked on BioShock Infinite and its downloadable content. The game will continue to use the Dunia Engine, a modified version of the CryEngine which the Far Cry series has used for several titles. The team chose Montana as the game's setting, as the state lies on the frontier of the United States. To create a realistic environment, the development team visited Montana for fourteen days to collect information regarding its biomes, environment, and the "self-reliant" nature of the locals, who do not want any authority or outsider to intervene in their life. The development team had previously carried out a similar research excursion to Nepal during development of Far Cry 4. As the development team was no longer satisfied with having one core antagonist in each game, the cast of antagonists was significantly expanded.