पीपल का पेड़ घर में या घर के पास, Vastu, Gamle me Pipal ka ped , Banyan Tree Information , Bar Tree
पीपल का पेड़ घर में या घर के पास-यही हाल है बड़ के पेड़ का, पीपल की पूजा, कितनी ज़रूरी-पीपल का पेड़ घर में लगाना चाहिए कि नहीं??? पीपल या बड़ घर में रखना, उगाना, जल देना कैसा? 100 बार सोचो पीपल/ बड़ को हाथ लगाने से पहले, जानो सच्चाई पीपल के पौधे या पेड़ को काटना, किसी और को पैसे देकर कटवाना, छंटवाना, उखाड़ना, इसके पत्तों या टहनियों की छंटाई, पेड़ काटने में पाप से तहस नहस-किसी और से कटवा लूँ पीपल का पेड़ -पैसे देकर? No..Peepal tree (Ficus religiosa) and the Banyan tree (Bar Tree) hold a place of immense reverence and significance. These trees are not just elements of the natural environment but are deeply ingrained in the spiritual and cultural ethos of the country. The Peepal tree, known as the 'Sacred Fig,' is often found in the vicinity of temples and is a common sight in many Indian households. The question of whether a Peepal tree should be planted within the confines of a home, or near it, is a subject of much debate and contemplation. The tree, revered for its spiritual importance, is often associated with various deities in Hinduism, making it a common choice for worship. The practice of offering water to the Peepal tree, especially on certain days, is seen as an act of piety and devotion. However, the decision to plant a Peepal tree at home is not just a matter of religious belief but also involves considerations related to Vastu Shastra (the ancient Indian science of architecture and space). Many believe that while the Peepal tree harbors positive energy and spiritual significance, its placement in relation to the home is crucial. It's recommended to ponder deeply, considering the various aspects of Vastu, before planting a Peepal tree in the home environment. Similarly, the Banyan tree, another species of the Ficus family, is also held in high esteem in Indian culture. Known for its vast canopy and extensive root system, the Banyan tree is often synonymous with shelter and longevity. Like the Peepal, the Banyan too is intertwined with religious and cultural practices. Planting or nurturing a Banyan tree in or near one's home is also a decision that requires careful thought, especially considering the tree's immense size and growth pattern. The act of cutting, pruning, or uprooting these trees is often viewed with a sense of taboo, accompanied by the belief that such actions might incur negative consequences or 'paap' (sin). This belief stems from the trees' association with the divine and the life-sustaining properties they are thought to possess. People often resort to seeking help from others to cut these trees, driven by the fear of directly causing harm to something so deeply revered. Beyond their religious and cultural significance, both the Peepal and Banyan trees play a crucial role in environmental sustainability. These trees are not only majestic in their presence but also offer numerous ecological benefits. They are vital for urban greening efforts, acting as natural air purifiers and contributing to biodiversity. The medicinal uses of these trees are well-documented, with various parts of the trees being used in traditional medicine for centuries. #पीपलकापेड़घरमेंलगानाचाहिएकिनहीं #gamlemepipalkaped #BanyanTreeInformation #BarTreeCharacteristics #pipaltreevastu #peepaltreeinhouse #PipalTreeFacts #PeepalTreeSignificance #BanyanTreeInformation #BarTreeCharacteristics #SacredTreesinIndia #Ficusreligiosa #BanyanTreeUses #SpiritualImportanceofPeepalTree #AncientTreesofIndia #BanyanTreeMyths #PeepalTreeinCulture #EnvironmentalBenefitsofPipalTree #MedicinalUsesofBanyanTree #BarTreeHistory #BanyanandPeepalTreeDifferences #PipalTreeinHinduism #BanyanTreeSymbolism #UrbanGreeningwithBarTree #NaturalWondersofIndia #PeepalTreeandEcology #gamlemepipalkaped #BanyanTreeInformation #BarTreeCharacteristics #pipaltreevastu #peepaltreeinhouse #BanyanTreeInformation #वास्तुकेपौधे #plantsinvaastu YouTube Channel: / anandbhardwajinternationalvastuconsultant Call me on +91-9811656700, 9811656700 (New Delhi- INDIA) My email: [email protected] / @dranandbhardwajvastuconsultant / @managingself9932 Follow us on facebook: / vastuconsultants Join us on Linkedin: / 470 Follow Us on Tumblr.com: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/dranandbh... / @dranandbhardwajvastuconsultant Google+: http://google.com/+AnandBhardwajInter... Email us at: [email protected] Visit us on our websites: https://Vastu-india.com/ https://www.vaidicvaastu.com/ https://www.Vastu-shastra.com/ https://www.Vastushaastra.com/ http://www.vaastu-india.com/ http://Vastuconsultants.co.in/ http://Vastuconsultantin.com/ http://Vastuforsouthernhemisphere.com/ http://Vastuinsouthernhemisphere.com/ http://southernhemisphereVastu.com/ http://www.Vastuconsultantsin.com/ http://www.Vastuconsultantsservice.com/ http://Vastubooksinenglish.com/