Send WhatsApp messages without saving contact | WhatsApp new feature 2025 (Official Update) #tricks
Send WhatsApp messages without saving contact| WhatsApp new feature (2025) You can also send WhatsApp messages without saving a mobile number using the following methods (Old method works on old mobile phones also): 1. WhatsApp Click-to-Chat (Official Method) Open a browser and type: https://wa.me/PHONE_NUMBER Replace PHONE_NUMBER with the full international format (without + or 00). Example: https://wa.me/919876543*** Tap the link → Click "Continue to Chat" → It will open WhatsApp for messaging. 2. Using WhatsApp Web Open your browser and enter the link: https://web.whatsapp.com/send?phone=PHONE_... Replace PHONE_NUMBER with the full international format. Press Enter → WhatsApp Web will open a chat window. 3. Third-Party Apps Some apps allow sending WhatsApp messages without saving contacts. Search for “Direct WhatsApp Message” on the Play Store or App Store. 4. Using WhatsApp Shortcuts on Android Open the Phone Dialer → Enter the number. Tap and hold the number → Click "More" or "Share." Choose WhatsApp → Start chatting. 5. Using Siri Shortcuts (iPhone) Install "Shortcuts" from the App Store. Create a new shortcut with the action: Open URL: https://wa.me/PHONE_NUMBER Run the shortcut and enter the number. 6. Using Google Search Search on Google: wa.me/919876543210 Click the link to open WhatsApp directly. Let me know if you need help with any method! 🚀 మీకు ఈ వీడియోలు నచ్చితే #LIKE 👍, #Share ☑️ చేయండి, మీ #COMMENTS 💬 ను తెలపండి. ఇంకా ఇలాంటి వీడియోస్ మీరు పొందుటకు మా #YOUTUBE ఛానల్ #SUBSCRIBE 🔴 చేసుకోండి. #whatsapp #whatsappstatus #tricks