"I WILL RISE AND GO TO MY FATHER" Responsorial Psalm with Chords and lyrics for female/male vocals
This Responsorial Psalm is composed and created for Carmo Church Choir. If you want to use it please acknowledge support by SUBSCRIBING" to our channel.. Below are the chords for Male vocals RESPONSE: INTRO: A- D-E7- A A D E7 A I will rise and go to my father A D E E7 A Have mercy on me, O God, in your goodness; F#m B E in the greatness of your compassion wipe out my offense D A Thoroughly wash me from my guilt E E7 A and of my sin cleanse me. (REPEAT RESPONSE) A D E E7 A A clean heart create for me, O God F#m B B7 E and a steadfast spirit renew within me D A Cast me not out from your presence, E E7 A and your Holy Spirit take not from me. (REPEAT RESPONSE) A D E O Lord, open my lips, E7 A and my mouth shall proclaim your praise. F#m B E My sacrifice, O God, is a contrite spirit; D A E C7 F a heart contrite and humbled, O God, you will not spurn. (REPEAT RESPONSE)