서울의 야경을 달리는 강변북로 드라이브 | Gangbyeon Expressway Drive in Seoul's Night View | Feat. Lofi Music | 4K UHD

서울의 야경을 달리는 강변북로 드라이브 | Gangbyeon Expressway Drive in Seoul's Night View | Feat. Lofi Music | 4K UHD

서울의 야경을 달리는 강변북로 드라이브 | Gangbyeon Expressway Drive in Seoul's Night View | Feat. Lofi Music | 4K UHD 안녕하세요 무브 아카이브 입니다. 이번 영상은 강변북로를 따라 드라이브하며 서울의 야경을 감상할 수 있는 기록입니다. 영상이 마음에 드셨다면 구독과 좋아요 부탁드립니다. 감사합니다. Hello, This is Move Archive. This video is a record where you can enjoy the night view of Seoul while driving along Gangbyeon Expressway. If you liked the video, please subscribe and like it. Thank you. 00:00 인트로 (Intro) 01:00 월드컵대교 (World Cup Bridge) 01:45 성산대교 (Seongsan Bridge) 03:25 양화대교 (Yanghwa Bridge) 03:40 당산철교 (Dangsan Railway Bridge) 05:10 서강대교 (Seogang Bridge) 06:25 마포대교 (Mapo Bridge) 07:30 원효대교 (Wonhyo Bridge) 08:15 한강철교 (Han River Railway Bridge) 08:45 한강대교 (Hangang Bridge) 11:05 동작대교 (Dongjak Bridge) 12:10 반포대교 (Banpo Bridge) 13:55 한남대교 (Hannam Bridge) 15:05 동호대교 (Dongho Bridge) 16:30 성수대교 (Seongsu Bridge) 18:30 영동대교 (Yeongdong Bridge) 19:10 청담대교 (Cheongdam Bridge) 21:35 잠실철교 (Jamsil Railway Bridge) 22:05 올림픽대교 (Olympic Bridge) 23:00 천호대교 (Cheonho Bridge) 23:15 광진교 (Gwangjin Bridge) 26:15 구리암사대교 (Guriamsa Bridge) 28:55 강동대교 (Gangdong Bridge) (OO:OO~) DLJ x BIDØ – Explorers Provided by Lofi Records Watch:    • Video   Download/Stream: https://fanlink.to/1amstudysession (O2:O2~) Psalm Trees – Fever Provided by Lofi Records Watch:    • Video   Download/Stream: https://fanlink.to/1amstudysession (O4:32~) H.1 – Circle Provided by Lofi Records Watch:    • Video   Download/Stream: https://fanlink.to/1amstudysession (O6:25~) G Mills – Keyframe Provided by Lofi Records Watch:    • Video   Download/Stream: https://fanlink.to/1amstudysession (O9:19~) Mondo Loops – Lunar Drive Provided by Lofi Records Watch:    • Video   Download/Stream: https://fanlink.to/1amstudysession (12:28~) Hoogway – Missing Earth Provided by Lofi Records Watch:    • Video   Download/Stream: https://fanlink.to/2amstudysession (15:23~) Sleepermane X Sebastian Kamae – Ships Provided by Lofi Records Download/Stream: https://fanlink.to/2amstudysession (16:55~) Elior X Eaup – VHS Provided by Lofi Records Download/Stream: https://fanlink.to/2amstudysession (18:39~) Dr. Dundiff x Allem Iversom – Pale Moon Provided by Lofi Records Watch:    • Video   Download/Stream: https://fanlink.to/2amstudysession (22:1O~) Lilac – Honey & Lemon Provided by Lofi Records Watch:    • Video   Download/Stream: https://fanlink.to/2amstudysession (23:55~) WYS – Nautilus Provided by Lofi Records Watch:    • Video   Download/Stream: https://fanlink.to/2amstudysession (26:45~) Jay-Lounge – February Provided by Lofi Records Download/Stream: https://fanlink.to/2amstudysession (29:27~) H.1 – Breath Provided by Lofi Records Watch:    • Video   Download/Stream: https://fanlink.to/2amstudysession #seoul #driving #lofi