Exercise 9B, Q 9 to15 II APS Maths 8th II New Secondary Math Book 3 I Volume and Surface of Pyramids

Exercise 9B, Q 9 to15 II APS Maths 8th II New Secondary Math Book 3 I Volume and Surface of Pyramids

Title: Exercise 9B, Q 9 to15 II APS Maths 8th II New Secondary Math Book 3 I Volume and Surface of Pyramids #maths #mathematics #Newsecondarymathematicsbook3 #taleemoterbeatkidunya #taleemotarbyiatkidunya #exercise #taleem #past_paper #past_pasper_solution #apspastpaper #newsyllabusmathematics #pyramid #loss #profit #volume About This lecture: In this lecture, I solved the following questions. Question 9 To 15 Question9 A conical funnel of diameter 23.2 cm and depth 42 cm contains water filled to the brim. The water is poured into a cylindrical tin of diameter 16.2 cm. If the tin must contain all the water, find its least possible height. Question10 A conical block of silver has a height of 16 cm and a base radius of 12 cm. The silver is melted to form coins 16\frac{1}{6}61 cm thick and 1121\frac{1}{2}121 cm in diameter. Find the number of coins that can be made. Question11 An open cone has a circular base of radius 10 cm and a slant height of 20 cm. Draw the net of the cone and label its dimensions. Question12 The semicircle shown is folded to form a right circular cone so that the arc PQ becomes the circumference of the base. Given that the diameter of the semicircle, PQPQPQ, is 10 cm, find: (i) the diameter of the base, (ii) the curved surface area of the cone. Question13 A cone has a circular base of radius 5 cm and a height of 12 cm. Find the curved surface area of the cone. Question14 A cone has a circular base of radius 8 cm and a slant height of 20 cm. Find the volume of the cone. Question15 A circular cone has a height of 17 mm and a slant height of 21 mm. Find: (i) the volume, (ii) the total surface area, of the cone. find volume of pyramid find base area of pyramid find height of pyramid Chapter: 09 Volume and Surface of Pyramids, Cones and Spheres Exercise: 9B Question: 9 to 15 Concept: Volume and Surface of Pyramids Class/Grade 8th / O Level / A level Book: New Secondary Mathematics Book 3 Publishers: OUP For more lecture: New Secondary Mathematics Book 3    • New Secondary Mathematics Book 3      / @taleemotarbiatkiduniya   Playlist: New Secondary Mathematics book 2 class 8th    • New Secondary Maths book 2 class 8th   Playlist: New Secondary Mathematics book 1    • New Secondary Mathematics Book 1   Playlist: New Secondary Mathematics book 2    • New Secondary mathematics Book 2   Playlist: Mathematics class 9th (Sci Group)    • Mathematics Class 9th ( Sci Group)