21 DAY WATER FAST - DAY 7 #chronicpain #selfhealing #endometriosis #pmdd #extendedfasting #waterfast
DAY 7- WEIGHT LOSS RESULTS A video blog started to help me be accountable and also hopefully connect with other people struggling with chronic pain or dis-ease that they need to heal. I'm an ex-nurse who no longer believes in the conventional medication route. I believe our bodies are capable of healing themselves, but years of pain, trauma, and struggle have left me trapped in a constant cycle of mental discomfort, struggles, and physical pain that no one has been able to help me with. I have endometriosis and recently discovered a benign brain tumor after years of pleading with doctors to take my neurological symptoms seriously. I have been diagnosed with mental illnesses, but now been told that this is actually PMDD. No one has offered advice or a solution that doesn't involve synthetic medications or surgery, and this just doesn't work for me. Come along with me for the next 21 days and see what happens. In my experience I have much better health in all areas when I fast, and I'm determined to change my life and show my daughter that she can take control of health too and live a full life. I'm aiming to lose some weight to move me towards my goal of 25lbs loss, but my reason for the fast is solely focused on the mental and physical healing that will induce.