ABC Western Plains: Jess and Hayley discuss Positive Behaviour Support in Central West NSW
PBS practitioner Hayley McRae met with Jess McGuire, host of ABC Western Plains Breakfast to talk about Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) and the NDIS in Central West NSW. Find the full transcript at https://abilityconsultants.com.au/. In Jess’ interview, Hayley and Jess discuss how Positive Behaviour Support can help NDIS participants and well as who can benefit from Positive Behaviour Support. They take a look at behaviours of concern and examples of PBS strategies and discuss the NDIS in Central West NSW. Thank you to Jess McGuire and Mel Dearmer, ABC Western Plains. — Find more useful information about Positive Behaviour Support and the NDIS here: What is Positive Behaviour Support? https://abilityconsultants.com.au/res... What is a Positive Behaviour Support plan? https://abilityconsultants.com.au/res... Which NDIS funds can I use for Positive Behaviour Support? https://abilityconsultants.com.au/res... To make a referral for Positive Behaviour Support, visit our website at https://abilityconsultants.com.au/ref... For more information about positive behaviour support, drop us an email at [email protected] or phone 1300 694 625 and we would be more than happy to take your call. Timecodes 0:00 - Introduction 0:41 - What is Positive Behaviour Support? 1:53 - Who can benefit from Positive Behaviour Support? 3:14 - About behaviours of concern 3:46 - Examples of Positive Behaviour Support strategies 6:01 - What Hayley loves about her work as a PBS practitioner About Positive Behaviour Support in Central West NSW Ability Consultants is a registered NDIS provider, delivering Positive Behaviour Support to individuals with disability throughout New South Wales including the Central West. We seek to create freedom and social connection through easy access to life-changing Positive Behaviour Support. For more information about positive behaviour support in Central West NSW, feel free to get in touch. About our team We’re a growing team with over 100 team members located throughout Australia's metropolitan and regional areas. We’re a 100% remote team, offering real flexibility and the opportunity to work from your home office, with paid travel to local client visits. Every practitioner benefits from ongoing 1-1 mentoring with an experienced practitioner, extensive in-house training and coaching. If you’d like to know more about joining our team, visit our website for more information or contact us at 1300 694 625. Find more information about Positive Behaviour Support: Visit our website: https://abilityconsultants.com.au/ Make a referral: https://abilityconsultants.com.au/ref... Find us on Facebook: / abilityconsultants #pbs #behavioursupport #positivebehavioursupport #behaviorsupport #ndis #ndisprovider #disability #behavioursofconcern #behaviorsofconcern #personcentred #personcentered ##challengingbehaviour #strengthsbased #disabilitysupport #pbscareers #disabilitycareers #centralwest #mudgee #centralwestnsw #abc #abcwesternplains #abcradio