3/15/22 - KAFLA NEWS - 아시아계 여성 잔혹 폭행..125차례 얼굴 가격/영세업체 상대 강도 기승/홈리스 인간사냥 살인범 체포/세계 신규확진자 4명중 1명 한국인
Breathe 프로그램 신청하기 (3/31부터): breathe lacounty gov 카카오 실업수당 단톡방: California 주택 소유자 Mortgage 무상지원 신청: camortgagerelief org 주정부 렌티 보조 신청: CAL FRESH 신청: 로스앤젤레스한인회 후원자가 되세요: Support us through AMAZON SMILE Select us as your non-profit of choice and AMAZON will donate a small portion of your purchase to KAFLA: Any information available at this channel is intended for general guidance only and must never be considered a subsitute for advice provided by the Employment Development Department or other qualified financial professional Although KAFLA TV takes all reasonable care to ensure that the contents of this channel is accurate and up-to-date, all information contained on it is provided 'as is ' KAFLA TV makes no guarantees of any kind concerning the accuracy of the information contained on its channel KAFLA TV may at any time and at its sole discretion change or replace the information availble on its channel To the extent permitted by mandatory law, KAFLA TV shall not be liable for any direct, incidental, consequential, indirect or punitive damages arising out of access to or use of any content available on this channel All comments will be reviewed by KAFLA TV and may be deleted if deemed inappropriate Comments which are off-topic, offensive, or promotional will not be posted #아시안증어범죄 #아트란타총기1주년 #우크라이나 News Theme 2 by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4 0 license Artist: Photo/Video Credit: ABC News, Pexels, Pixaby, CNN, Unsplash, Adobe Stock, Filmora Stock