Live Holy Eucharist | Live Holy Mass @ 6.15am, 5th Easter Thu 11May23, St. Joseph Church, Mira Road

Live Holy Eucharist | Live Holy Mass @ 6.15am, 5th Easter Thu 11May23, St. Joseph Church, Mira Road

Live Holy Eucharist | Live Holy Mass at 6.15 am, Thursday 11th May2023; St. Joseph Church, Mira Road. 5th THURSDAY of EASTER Begins with Mass Intentions & Regina Caeli at 6.11 am and then the Holy Eucharist at 6.15 am followed by Novena to Infant Jesus. READINGS OF THE DAY: 1st Reading: Acts of the Apostles 15: 1-6; Psalms 122: 1-2, 3-4ab, -4cd-5 Gospel: John 15: 1-8 Resp: I rejoiced when I heard them say: ‘Let us go to God’s house.’ Acclamation: Alleluia, Alleluia! I am the good shepherd, says the Lord, I know my sheep ad my own know me. Alleluia!