The Ark of the Covenant | W9 | November 10, 2021 | Strawbridge Community Church | New Windsor, MD

The Ark of the Covenant | W9 | November 10, 2021 | Strawbridge Community Church | New Windsor, MD

Notes: You made it to the final lesson in our fall Bible Study where we took up the task of learning and following the Ark of the Covenant, the sole object of God’s presence in the earth during the time of the Old Testament nation, Israel. Last week with King David’s help, we discovered “the ark is called by the Name, the name of the Lord of Hosts who dwells between the cheribum.” [2 Samuel 6:2] King David was the anointed leader of the single nation who God made covenant with to make him an “everlasting kingdom.” The joy for us is, through David’s seed (or offspring), the Messiah would come and God’s glory would never again depart from Him. David had many characteristics and attributes that elude to Christ, namely being born in Bethlehem, of the tribe of Judah, anointed King, age 30 when ministry begins and crowning achievement is to get the Ark called by the Name into the City of Zion, a city of Shalom (His peace). Jesus fulfilled all these things in His birth, earthly ministry, sacramental death on the cross, resurrection, appearance 40 days and ascension into heaven. He now sits in the Holy of holies at the right hand of God, interceding for those He came to save. Our final lesson will trace the last OT scriptures that speak on the Ark and a few others that will give us a clue as to what became of it after the single nation (Israel) split into two (Israel & Judah) and ultimately went into exile in both Assyria and Babylon. The nation Judah ended up (after Babylonian exile and Medo-Persian reign) returning to Jerusalem and rebuilding the temple (Ezra), wall (Nehemiah) and nation state. Sadly, the coveted Ark was not part of this rebuild and the nation went some 400 years before the covenant promise to David was realized in the birth of Christ. The world had changed drastically of course, and Rome became the dominant national force in the area. The New Testament began and the words reminding us of the two sacred covenants are telling: “The historical record of Jesus Christ, the Son of David, the Son of Abraham.” This week we look at scriptures in 1 Kings 5:1-5; 6:1-28 & 37-38; 8:1-13; and 14:21-31. Read the following excerpts from scripture and answer the questions for discussion: EXERCISE for Preparation– 1. Read 1 Kings 5:1-5 and 6:1-28, 37, 38 a. Who becomes king of the single nation after King David? b. What new thing do we learn about why David was not allowed to build God an earthly house? c. Note some differences between the temple and the Tent of Meeting? d. Is there a place in the temple called the Holy of holies? What is it called and what does it look like? e. [*How long does it take to build the temple?] 2. Read 1 Kings 8:1-13 a. [*When does the dedication of the temple take place?] b. What is inside the Ark? How many animal are sacrificed? c. Read verse 7 — Can you draw a picture of this? d. What comes to mind when you read verses 10-11? e. (Extra credit: Pray Solomon’s prayer 8:23-30 over yourself once a day until Sunday, Nov 14) 3. Read 1 Kings 14:21-31 a. In this text, the kingdom is now divided: Jeroboam is Israel’s king and Rehoboam is Judah’s. What event do you recall concerning David is the reason for the divided kingdom? b. Name the grievous sins the Kingdom of Judah commit? c. Who does the Lord raise up to attack Judah as punishment? d. In addition to the Ark, what do we learn is kept in the temple as “treasuries?” (see 1 Kings 7:48-51) e. [* What does 1 Kings 14:25-26 tell us Shishak takes from Jerusalem?] f. Given what he took, do you think Shishak would leave anything as beautiful and mobile as the ark? g. One location for the Ark today is a small church in Ethiopia. Is this plausible based on what we read? One Church, One People, One Ministry and Our Eyes Are Watching God! #strawbridgecommunitychurch #strawbridgecc #strawbridgechurch #church #faith