Belt of Truth: Stand Firm - Wk 2 (Full Service)

Belt of Truth: Stand Firm - Wk 2 (Full Service)

As we dive deeper into our new series, “Stand Firm”, Pastor Joby teaches through Ephesians 6:14, John 8:-31-47 and John 14:6. We must remember the enemy knows our weaknesses. It’s not IF you’re going to be attacked, but WHEN. But the good news is we do not stand firm in our own strength, we stand firm in God’s. Are you fighting the lies of the enemy with the truth of God? - The Church of Eleven22® is a movement for all people to discover and deepen a relationship with Jesus Christ. Eleven22 is led by Pastor Joby Martin and based in Jacksonville, Florida, with multiple campuses throughout Jacksonville and the surrounding areas. To find out more about how God is moving at Eleven22, go to