15 Min Yoga Stretch for Neck & Shoulders | Tension Relief Yoga
This video is a 15-minute yoga stretch for neck and shoulders that you can use for upper body tension relief. We do gentle movement and stretches for the neck, shoulders, chest, and upper back. This is a great yoga sequence to do for stiff neck, tense shoulders, or any tightness in the chest and upper back. Poses are held anywhere from 30-60 seconds. I recommend using a yoga strap for one of the shoulder stretches. You may also use a belt or small towel. We do all seated and floor poses. There are no standing poses and no Savasana. Enjoy your practice! YOGA UPLOAD PLUS Membership & APP FREE TRIAL https://www.yogauploadplus.com/pages/... FREE 7-DAY BEDTIME YOGA CHALLENGE https://yogauploadplus.com/ Make a DONATION to Yoga Upload https://bit.ly/supportyogaupload Get my NEWSLETTER https://bit.ly/emailmaris ******************** #YogaUpload #MarisAylward #yogastretch #tensionrelief #neckandshoulderpain