Where You Stumble, Dig for Treasure - Bishop Barron's Sunday Sermon
Friends, our first reading for this Sunday is a section of the marvelous story of Naaman the Syrian from the Second Book of Kings. The spiritual lesson is this: where you stumble, dig for treasure. We all have some leprosy—some ailment or struggle or weakness that embarrasses us or makes us suffer. Precisely because it leads us on the path of humility, this leprosy, this debility, leads us to God. SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel to watch every Sunday Sermon: https://bit.ly/wof-subscribe ———VIDEO LINKS——— Stand Strong in the Spirit - Bishop Barron's Sunday Sermon: • Stand Strong in the Spirit - Bishop B... What Are the Laity Supposed to Be?: • What Are the Laity Supposed to Be? Why Pray the Rosary?: • Why Pray the Rosary? ———WATCH——— Subscribe to this Channel: https://bit.ly/31LV1sn Word on Fire Institute Channel: https://bit.ly/2voBZMD Word on Fire en Español Channel: https://bit.ly/2uFowjl ———WORD ON FIRE——— Word on Fire: https://www.wordonfire.org/ FREE Daily Gospel Reflections (English or Español): https://dailycatholicgospel.com/ ———WORD ON FIRE INSTITUTE——— Join Bishop Barron and over 20,000 evangelists inside the Word on Fire Institute at https://wordonfire.institute ———SOCIAL MEDIA——— Bishop Barron Instagram: https://bit.ly/2Sn2XgD Bishop Barron Facebook: https://bit.ly/2Sltef5 Bishop Barron Twitter: https://bit.ly/2Hkz6yQ Word on Fire Instagram: https://bit.ly/39sGNyZ Word on Fire Facebook: https://bit.ly/2HmpPpW Word on Fire Twitter: https://bit.ly/2UKO49h Word on Fire en Español Instagram: https://bit.ly/38mqofD Word on Fire en Español Facebook: https://bit.ly/2SlthaL Word on Fire en Español Twitter: https://bit.ly/38n3VPt ———SUPPORT WORD ON FIRE——— Help Bishop Barron continue to produce videos like this: https://bit.ly/3QSvGpo Word on Fire Store: https://bookstore.wordonfire.org/ Pray: https://bit.ly/2vqU7Ft