Bonus Shares Issue & Stock Split | Complete Explanation – #21 MASTER INVESTOR

Bonus Shares Issue & Stock Split | Complete Explanation – #21 MASTER INVESTOR

Bonus Shares and Stock Split explained in hindi and also get to know about stock split benefits and bonus share benefits for investors and for the company. Sign-up to our new app for discounts and early access: ✔ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Invest & Trade in Stocks & Mutual Funds ** Open your Discount Demat Account here: ✔ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Related Videos & Playlists: Master Investor Series for Stocks: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Time Stamps: 0:00 Introduction 1:31 Stock Split Concept 3:40 Effect of Stock Split 6:04 Reverse Stock Split 7:24 Bonus Share Concept 9:50 Effects of Bonus Shares 13:02 Bonus Share Timeline ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- About the Video: The confusion between bonus shares and stock split is very common. People frequently get confused on how the shareholders get additional shares in both the concepts, how do they affect the stock’s price and how does it affect the balance sheet of the company? Moreover, it is also fascinating to understand how the stock split leaves the market capitalisation of a company unchanged. In contrast, the company has to pay out of their reserves for the bonus shares it allots to the shareholders. In this video, we have covered the concepts of bonus shares and stock split in Hindi. We’ll learn if stock split is good or bad for a company in long term like; a stock splits effect on the PE ratio of a company and similar effects of bonus shares on the company. Questions Answered in this Video: 1. What is stock split? 2. What is bonus share? 3. When do you receive bonus share? 4. What is a reverse stock split? 5. When does a stock split happen? 6. When does reverse stock split happen? 7. What are the benefits of bonus share or stock split for investors? 8. How to calculate price after a stock split? 9. How to calculate price after bonus share? 10. Effect of Bonus share or stock split on the profitability of the company. 11. Is stock split good or bad for the company? 12. Stock split vs bonus share; which is better? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Connect with Us INSTAGRAM -   / assetyogi   TWITTER -   / assetyogi   FACEBOOK –   / assetyogi   LINKEDIN -   / mukulm   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Website Hashtags #bonusshares #stocksplit #masterinvestor #sharemarket