2022-09-25 Sunday Service 11:00 AM  -  “The sea became smooth as glass”

2022-09-25 Sunday Service 11:00 AM - “The sea became smooth as glass”

SUNDAY, September 25, 2022 Prelude Call to Worship Hymn 321: “Praise to the Lord, the Almighty” Prayer of Adoration and Confession Declaration of Grace and Lord’s Prayer Responsive reading: Psalm 91 Anthem: Psalm 91 Joshua 1: 1-9 Matthew 8: 23-27 Hymn 325: “Eternal Father, strong to save” Sermon: “The sea became smooth as glass” Hymn: “If You But Trust in God to Guide You” Offertory Prayer of Thanksgiving and Intercession Hymn 633: “Who would true valour see” Benediction Go now in Peace Postlude St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church - St. Lambert https://standrews-stlambert.ca/ https://standrews-stlambert.ca/contact/ https://standrews-stlambert.ca/catego... https://standrews-stlambert.ca/donate/