Pastor Jon Burdine Adult Sunday School Class Romans 12 11/28/21 Please Share!!
Dear Friends, Welcome to The Shelby Street Pentecostal Lighthouse A little History on the church. In the early 1970's, we were inspired by the Lord to buy nine and ½ acres to begin a work in Indianapolis at 8620 Shelby St. for the benefit of the local independent Pentecostal people. A place where a nice sanctuary and Sunday School complex could be built as well room for future activities such as a Family Life Center and a playground for children and a Senior Citizen's development. God has put His approval on the work here and we have seen His hand at work over the years as many of these things have been brought to fruition. Of course, our primary goal is to be an instrument in God's hand and vessel's for the expansion of His kingdom in spreading the full Gospel in presenting an opportunity for people to come to the knowledge of the truth and to experience Jesus Christ as their personal saviour, and to a personal relationship with him through the infilling of the Spirit, and prosperity and healing for the physical body as well as the soul. (3 John vs. 2 KJV) If you are looking for a church that believes that the Bible is the inspired Word of God, and an opportunity to worship Him in spirit and truth, and a place to raise your family, please allow us that privilege. We extend to you a Welcome to come and worship with us and to work for Him, awaiting His soon return. (Acts 1:10-11 & Rev. 1:7) We look forward to seeing you and may God bless you. Pastor, Carlos Burdine 8620 S. Shelby St. Indianapolis IN 46227 (317)882-0061