Mohawk Mark’s Personal HAREM of Atom Eves | Invincible Multiverse #invincible #comics #shorts

Mohawk Mark’s Personal HAREM of Atom Eves | Invincible Multiverse #invincible #comics #shorts

Invincible, Omni Man, Universa, Allen the Alien, Thadeus, Anissa, Oliver, Debbie, Atom Eve, Invincible Season 2, Invincible Season 2 Episode 5, Invincible Universe, Invincible Villains, Invincible Season 2 Episode 6, Invincible Season 2 Episode 7, Invincible Season 2 Episode 8, Invincible Season 3, Invincible Season 3 trailer, invincible season 3 leaks, invincible season 3 release date, invincible season 3 predictions, angstrom levy attacks atom eve, angstrom levy invincible, invincible vs angstrom, sinister mark, sinister invincible, invincible season 2 episode 8 sinister mark scene, angstrom levy turns good, angstrom levy becomes good, invincible saves his mom from angstrom levy, angstrom levy debbie, mohawk mark, alternate mark grayson, story of every evil invincible explored, all dark invincibles, mohawk mark full story, mohawk mark grayson, mohawk mark and conquest, mohawk mark dimension, mohawk mark atom eve, mohawk mark backstory, mohawk mark vs sinister mark, mohawk mark throne, invincible war, invincible war explained, invincible war comics explained, invincible war arc, mohawk mark captures angstrom levy, atom eve harem, robot betrays mark, robot betrays invincible, biggest villain in invincible, robot betrays mark grayson, robot takes over the world, robot takes over earth, robot becomes mohawk mark, alternate conquest, alternate viltrumites, mohawm mark king, mohawk mark viltrumite ruler In Invincible Mark and Robot travel to Mohawk Mark’s dimension to find out what happened to Angstrom, flying to Earth before Robot points out something unusual In this dimension there are a fleet of Viltrumite ships hovering above Earth so Mark and Robot speculate on what happened Before they run into an alternate Conquest who orders them to come with him or else Conquest flies them to the Pentagon as they walk down the hallway filled with other Viltrumites before coming to a throne room where Conquest presents his prisoners to none other than Mohawk Mark who is surrounded by a bunch of women, cosplaying as Atom Eve Mohawk Mark says he owes Mark for freeing him but Invincible just wants to know what he has done to Angstrom Mohawk Mark claims he could’ve just trusted him to take care of Angstrom but understands why he wouldn’t, taking them both to a secret room where Angstrom is being kept alive while scientists figure out how to replicate his power Mark is shocked at what he’s seeing and Mohawk Mark wonders what he expected, realizing Mark is one of very few good Invincible’s Angstrom talked about And it is here where Robot has heard enough and enacts his true plan, betraying Invincible and initiating his own takeover of Earth INVINCIBLE is an adult animated superhero series that revolves around 17-year-old Mark Grayson, who’s just like every other guy his age — except his father is the most powerful superhero on the planet, Omni-Man. But as Mark develops powers of his own, he discovers his father’s legacy may not be as heroic as it seems. After an earth-shattering betrayal, Mark fights to rebuild his life. In the face of apocalyptic threats, he discovers new allies and wrestles with his greatest fear - that he might become his father. In this special prequel episode, Samantha Eve Wilkins, aka Atom Eve, grows up out of place in her own family. When someone from her past re-enters her life, she discovers her tragic backstory and the origin and true potential of her powers. Rex Splode, Robot, Monster Girl, Cecil Stedman, Thragg, Battle Beast, Conquest, Invincible Angstrom Levy, Allen the Alien, Invincible Season 1, Invincible Season 2, Invincible Season 2 Part 1, Invincible Season 2 Part 2, Comic Books, Evil Mark Invincible, Invincible Multiverse, Mark Grayson, Invincible Blue Suit, Robert Kirkman, Comics Explained, invincible season 2 reaction, invincible season 2 explained #invincibleseason2 #comicbooks #comicexplained #markgrayson #omniman #conquest #anissa #invincibleseason2part2trailer #invincibleseason2part2 #invinciblepopsmoke #invincibleandomnimanvsviltrumites #invincibleandatomeve #invincibleandomniman #invincibleandeve #invincibleandspiderman #invincibleandatomevegettogether #robertkirkman